HOW to top up your Older Worcester Bosch combi boiler

If you have an older worcester Bosch combi boiler then the white filling key may be familiar to you.

We know it can be frustrating filling up your boiler pressure especially with this fiddly key.

Worcester Bosch combi boilers are a popular choice for homeowners due to their energy efficiency, compact size, and ability to provide hot water on demand. However, like any boiler, they require regular maintenance and topping up of water levels to ensure proper functioning. In this article, we will explain how to top up a Worcester Bosch combi boiler using the white filling key.

Before we begin, it's important to note that you should only attempt to top up your boiler if you feel comfortable doing so and have read the manufacturer's instructions. If you're unsure or have any concerns, it's always best to call a qualified heating engineer.



Step 1: Locate the filling loop

The first step is to locate the filling loop key. The filling loop in this case is a small, white key that connects your boiler to the mains water supply. It's typically located near the bottom of the boiler and can be identified by black block as seen in the below video.  The filling loop is used to refill the boiler with water and maintain the correct pressure.

Step 2: Check the pressure

Before you begin topping up the boiler, it's important to check the pressure. The pressure gauge on your boiler should indicate the current pressure. The ideal pressure range for most Worcester Bosch combi boilers is between 1 and 1.5 bar. If the pressure is below 1 bar, you'll need to top up the boiler.

Step 3: Turn off the boiler

Before you start topping up the boiler, it's important to turn off the boiler and allow it to cool down. This will prevent any hot water or steam from escaping when you remove the filling loop.

Step 4: Connect the filling key

Now it's time to connect the filling key. The filling key is a small, white plastic tool that's used to open the filling loop and allow water to flow into the boiler. The filling key should be stored somewhere safe and easily accessible, such as in a kitchen drawer or utility room.

Insert the filling key into the valve on the filling loop, and turn it anti-clockwise until it clicks into place. This will open the valve and allow water to flow into the boiler.

Step 5: Monitor the pressure

As you begin filling the boiler with water, you'll need to monitor the pressure gauge to ensure that you don't overfill the boiler. The pressure should increase gradually as you fill the boiler. When the pressure reaches 1.5 bar, you can close the valve on the filling loop by turning the filling key clockwise.

Step 6: Remove the filling key

Once you've topped up the boiler to the correct pressure, you can remove the filling key by turning it clockwise and pulling it out of the valve. Be sure to keep the filling key in a safe place, as you'll need it again the next time you need to top up the boiler.

In conclusion, topping up a Worcester Bosch combi boiler using the white filling key is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the manufacturer's instructions and taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your boiler remains in good working order and provides you with hot water and heating when you need it.

If you need our help of course you can book a boiler diagnostics directly online with us by clicking here

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