new boiler installation faqs
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New Boiler Installation FAQ's

I've had a new boiler, what may happen after the installation?

Great news on having a new boiler, you should be benefitting from heating and hot water at a much more energy efficient rate, however we know that sometimes after your new boiler has been installed there can be teething problems or changes which you didn't expect. we have put together a short video explaining some things which may happen and you may need to consider.

1 - I've had to top up my pressure a few times since my new boiler, why is this?

Reasons for this

A – your new boiler or new pipework which has been completed has a small leak

B – your older existing pipework / radiator system has a small leak

C – you have always had this issue even with the old boiler, you just didn't know it was happening

All scenarios will make the boiler lose pressure, remember the boiler is not at fault, the boiler is merely telling you it's losing water from somewhere.

So, what can we do about this?

A – you can have an engineer visit to check their work and diagnose if there's a leak from the new boiler and pipework or the older existing system. If there's a leak from the new boiler or their work, they will of course fix this free of charge as part of their previous quotation.

B – If there's no issues with A, this means your existing system has a leak causing pressure drop. There are now only 3 options to stop this.

1 – add a system leak sealer (chemical) to circulate the system and hopefully stop a small system leak.

2 – trace and repair, basically spend some time trying to find the leak, removing floorboards and tracing pipework. If found, the engineer can then repair the leak.

3 – full new system pipework, basically having new pipes throughout the property which will be new and leak free.

ALL options would be a chargeable visit. And not covered by a new boiler work which  had just been completed, why? Because the heating company are not responsible for the old system pipework, only the new boiler and any new pipework which has been installed.

This should have also been explained in your original quote and T&Cs

So, why didn’t my old boiler do this?

A – it may have done this, however you may not have known, why? Because your old system had tanks in the loft which would automatically refill, so any leaks would continue, and the system would keep refilling without you knowing.

B – the new combi boiler is working at a much higher pressure than your old boiler, this could cause old pipework to be under more strain than previous and cause small system leaks. Your new boiler also has a pressure gauge and low-pressure switch built in, so any drop in pressure the boiler will notify you, meaning you need to manually refill this. So, it makes you more aware of the issue, the older boiler never had this facility which means the issue was ignored/unknown to the user.


This little video shares a few small FAQ'S as to why you may have an issue when a new boiler is installed.


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